As a #FirstGenInSTEM, Samantha has faced her fair share of struggles navigating the hidden curriculum. She is committed to lowering barriers to success for the next generation by creating free and honest resources about navigating higher ed. Below are some blog posts about the advice she wishes she had gotten earlier in her career.

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10 tips for easier networking at scientific conferences

From what to wear to how to best stay in touch with new contacts, here are my top 10 tips for getting the most out of networking opportunities no matter the stage in your career or future goals. Sponsored by GIBCO.


Scientists gotta network too! The untaught skill that's crucial for your career

Some common myths and truths about networking as a training scientist, sponsored by GIBCO.

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Insider tips for becoming a PI

Summary of advice given during a talk by newly-hired faculty Dr. Hannes Röst at the University of Toronto.


How to get a research position as a U of T undergrad

Answers to frequently asked questions from students at the University of Toronto and abroad. While specific examples from U of T are given, the advice is relevant to obtaining a research position at any institution.


Dear stressed out science student: here are the answers to your questions about #sciencelife

An academic listicle based on popular questions received on social media about becoming a scientist.

Back to school tips on Insta

#BackToSchool tips from someone finally throwing down their backpack after 2️⃣5️⃣ Septembers

Unconventionally honest back to school tips for September 2019, plus lots of community-sourced advice in the comments.